TEI XSL Parameters

by Laura Mandell specifically for TEI P5 to HTML transformations using oXygen's built-in transforms


Name Description Default
consecutiveFootnoteNumbers Number footnotes consecutively [boolean] false
footnoteBackLink Link back from footnotes to reference [boolean] false
contentStructure How to use the front/body/back matter in creating columns. [string] body
divOffset The difference between TEI div levels and HTML. headings. [integer] 2
footnoteFile Make a separate file for footnotes [boolean] false
linksWidth Width of left-hand column when $pageLayout is "Table" [string] 15%
navbarFile XML resource defining a navigation bar. [anyURI]


Name Description Default
autoHead Construct a heading for <div> elements with no <head> [boolean]
headingNumberSuffix Punctuation to insert after a section number [string]
<xsl:text>.</xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="$numberSpacer"/>
numberSpacer Character to put after number of section header [string]


Name Description Default
numberBackFigures Automatically number figures in back matter [boolean] false
numberBackHeadings How to construct heading numbering in back matter [string] A.1
numberBackTables Automatically number tables in back matter [boolean] true
numberBodyHeadings How to construct heading numbering in main matter [string]
numberFigures Automatically number figures [boolean] true
numberFrontFigures Automatically number figures in front matter [boolean] false
numberFrontHeadings How to construct heading numbering in front matter [string]
numberFrontTables Automatically number tables in front matter [boolean] true

Automatically number sections [boolean]
(This is where you turn off the numbering for div heads -- change the value to false)

numberHeadingsDepth Depth to which sections should be numbered [integer] 9
numberTables Automatically number tables [boolean] true
prenumberedHeadings Use value of "n" attribute to number sections [boolean] false
numberParagraphs Automatically number paragraphs [boolean] false


Name Description Default
ID An ID passed to the stylesheet to indicate which section to display [string]
URLPREFIX A path fragment to put before all internal URLs [string]
outputName The name of the output file [string] (This value can be set in oXygen)

Directory in which to place generated files [string]
(Using oXygen, the generated files will appear in
whatever folder the .xsl is contained, unless specified here)

outputEncoding Encoding of output file(s) [string] iso-8859-1
outputMethod Output method for output file(s) [string] html
outputSuffix Suffix of output file(s) [string] .html
doctypePublic Public Doctype of output file(s) [string] -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
doctypeSystem System Doctype of output file(s) [string]


pageLayout The style of HTML (Simple, CSS or Table) which creates the
layout for generated pages. [string]
rawXML Pass through input essentially unchanged [boolean] false
splitBackmatter Break back matter into separate HTML pages
(if splitting enabled) [boolean]
splitFrontmatter Break front matter into separate HTML pages
(if splitting enabled) [boolean]

Level at which to split sections. [integer]
(if you set stdOut [see above, same table] to
false and set splitLevel to 0
or more - then we get a file for each div)

standardSuffix Suffix for generated output files [string]

by default, selects the

[above, same table]

topNavigationPanel Display navigation panel at top of pages [boolean] true
urlChunkPrefix How to specify infra-document links [string] ?ID=
useIDs Construct links using existing ID values. [boolean] true
virtualPages Whether to make split pages appear virtually as layers in HTML,
or physically as separate pages or server requests [boolean]
xhtml Make XHTML-compatible markup [boolean] false

Table of contents generation

Name Description Default
autoToc Make an automatic table of contents [boolean] (Make this false if you only have one div) true
class_subtoc CSS class for second-level TOC entries [string] subtoc
subTocDepth Depth at which to stop doing a recursive table of contents. [integer] -1
tocBack Include the back matter in the table of contents [boolean] true
tocDepth Depth to which table of contents is constructed [string] 5
tocFront Include the front matter in the table of contents [boolean] true
tocElement Which HTML element to wrap each TOCs entry in [string] p
tocContainerElement Which HTML element to wrap each TOC sections in [string] div
refDocFooterText Text to link back to from foot of ODD reference pages [string] TEI Guidelines
refDocFooterURL URL to link back to from foot of ODD reference pages [anyURI] index.html


Name Description Default
class_toc CSS class for TOC entries [string] toc
class_ptr CSS class for links derived from <ptr> [string] ptr
class_ref CSS class for links derived from <ref> [string] ref
class_xptr CSS class for links derived from <xptr> [string] Not an element in P5 xptr
class_xref CSS class for links derived from <xref> [string] Not an element in P5 xref
cssFile CSS style file to be associated with output file(s) [anyURI] http://www.tei-c.org/stylesheet/tei.css

CSS style file for print; this will be given a media=print attribute [anyURI]

cssSecondaryFile Secondary CSS style file; this will be given a media=screen attribute,
so that it does not affect printing [anyURI]


Name Description Default
cellAlign Default alignment of table cells [string] left
tableAlign Default alignment of tables [string] left

Figures and graphics

Name Description Default
graphicsPrefix Directory specification to put before names of graphics files, unless they start with "./" [string]
graphicsSuffix Default file suffix for graphics files, if not directly specified [string] .png
standardScale Scaling of imported graphics [decimal] 1
dpi Resolution of images [integer] 96
showFigures Display figures [boolean] true


Name Description Default
pagebreakStyle Display of <pb> element [string] none
displayMode How to display Relax NG schema fragments (rnc or rng) [string] rnc
minimalCrossRef Provide minimal context for a link [boolean] false
postQuote Character to insert at end of quote [string]
preQuote Character to insert at start of quote [string]
urlMarkup HTML element to put around visible text of display URLs [string] span

Miscellaneous and advanced

Name Description Default
teixslHome The home page for these stylesheets [anyURI] http://www.tei-c.org/Stylesheets/teic/
teiP4Compat Process elements according to assumptions of TEI P4 [boolean] false
useHeaderFrontMatter Title, author and date is taken from the <teiHeader>
rather than looked for in the front matter [boolean]
generateParagraphIDs Generate a unique ID for all paragraphs [boolean] true
rendSeparator Character separating values in a rend attribute. [string] ;
showTitleAuthor Show a title and author at start of document [boolean] false
verbose Be talkative while working [boolean] false